Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

get a plaque for your lawn

Tell your neighbors that you refuse to use pesticides, and also that it's important not to use them. You can purchase this sign at the link below, or your local municipal distric may have a program like this one in Alameda County where you can get a sign for free.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Electric Car Conference

A collaboration between Standford and UC Berkeley presents a series of conferences on clean energy.

First Conference: Electrification of Vehicles
November 19th , 2007 1:00 – 7:00pm

UC Berkeley – Clark Kerr Campus
2601 Warring Street Berkeley, CA 94720-2288

also coming up are two more conferences on:

- Clean Energy Generation
- Clean Energy Storage/Distribution

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's always greener to fix it...

Here's a site that shows you how to fix your household eletronics so you don't have to dump them.

If these fixes are too much for you, or if they just don't work, please find an electronic waste recycler instead of bringing your household electronics to the dump.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Backyard

I decided to tackle the lifeless backyard this year by planting a cover crop this winter to bring some nutrients to the soil. I waited until the first rains fell to plant so I could avoid watering the seeds to get them started.

When it is time to turn them under, I will add compost and mulch, and maybe a raised bed for veggies in the spring. then hopefully the ground will be a bit more fertile.

I chose Fava beans for where I think I will put the raised bed, and crimson clover and hairy vetch for the rest of the yard. I had also ordered some garbanzo beans and rye, but I may give those to my dad for the hill behind his house along with what's left of the hairy vetch and crimson clover(as my yard is very small and I ordered a pound of each type...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The Lazy Environmentalist written by founder & CEO of Vivavi eco-friendly furniture & home furnishings, Josh Dorfman.

I have not actually read this book, but it seems like it would appeal to me, except for the fact that it seems like he's pushing the book to much as advertisement for his company.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Driving Sustainably Conference

The Driving Sustainably Conference was held this year in Iceland. Go to the link below to see the presentations from the conference.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lime Radio sponsored by gaiam

There is a sirius station dedicated to this and you can also get it by podcast on itunes. I can not vouch for it yet, but I will subscribe and get back to you...

Friday, October 19, 2007


These are solar "sheets" (notice the play on words that they've used for their name...) that are used like space heaters. They are pretty expensive space heaters, $1500+ for one, but if your need to be solar powered is greater than your need to not speand money, these are for you...Oh, did we meantion that they do not work at night? Seems like you should be able to create your own version for less $$$.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Build it Green

This local SF Bay Area site has many resources for builing or remodeling your home in the most environmentally-friendly way you can.

there are resources, such as a downloadable brochure on green building guides, examples, and even an "ask the builder" feature where you can get an experts point of view. Also look for upcoming events...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Chemicals in your Cosmetics?

Here's an interesting article on the most common chemicals found in cosmetics and their impact on us.

also check out this artile on the safe cosmetics database that we wrote a while back:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bay-Friendly Gardening

I went to a couple of classes put on by these people, they are interesting, if you live in Alameda County sign up for whichever ones youare interested in or the whole series! They teach you how to garden in a way that is healthy for the bay.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

National Solar Tour

This saturday there are a ton of solar tours happening around the country! Find one near you at this link:

here are some in Cali:

Solarecity Electric Tour
Date: 10/6/2007
Taking Place In: Lincoln, California
Presented by: Solarecity Electric
For More Information: Erika Schweickert, 916-624-0535,
Tour Description: Come see and talk to home owner's in your neighborhood that have chosen to implement solar electrical systems.
Tour Fee: Free
How to Take this Tour: Call for details

Half Moon Bay
Date: September 15, 2007 Time: 11 am to 5 pm
Taking Place In: Half Moon Bay High School and coastside homes
Presented by: NeighborShare
For More Information: Dennis Paull, 650-712-0498,
Tour Description: There will be an Eco-Energy Expo with about 20 vendors and 12 non-profit organization display booths. The hours are 11 am to 3 pm. Lunch will be available for purchase. The self guided Home Tour will include about 12 homes and businesses with all tour info available at the Expo and on-line. The Tour runs from 2 pm to 5 pm. There will be a dozen presentations by selected vendors and non-profit groups.
Tour Fee: Free
Expo, including parking: Free
How to Take this Tour: More information is available

Acterra's Solar Homes Tour
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2007
Taking Place In: Palo Alto
Presented by: Acterra
For More Information: Emily Juan, (650) 962-9876 x316,,
Tour Description:
10:00 am - Noon: FREE Workshop on Solar Energy Basics - Learn about solar energy equipment and economics of installation, including available rebates
11:30 am - 2:00 pm: Vendor Fair - Meet with local solar energy providers to determine what system is right for you.
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Palo Alto Solar Homes Tour - This self-guided tour offers a variety of both PV and solar hot water systems.
Tour Fee: $10 per person in advance; $15 onsite
How to Take this Tour: Tour is from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Tour materials will be available for pickup on October 6 at the starting location: Palo Alto City Hall Plaza, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301.
For more information, go to

Roseville Electric Self Guided Solar Tour
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2007 from 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m
Taking Place In: Roseville, California
Presented by: Roseville Electric
For More Information: Matthew Davis - Community Relations, 916.746.1660,,
Tour Description: Roseville Electric is hosting a self-guided tour around the city to view various solar projects, city facilities, solar and passive residences, etc.
Tour Fee: FREE
How to Take this Tour: Interested participants will meet at the Roseville Civic Center located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA at 9:00 a.m. for the tour, 8:00 a.m. if they are interested in the free educational class before the start of the tour.

Annual SLO Green Building Tour
Date: Sunday, October 7th
Taking Place In: San Luis Obispo
Presented by: The Mothers for Peace
For More Information: Rachel Aljilani, 805-438-4452,
Tour Description: Two environmental initiative award winners, the SLO Botanical Garden and Congregation Beth David's Synagogue will be featured this October 7, 2007 along with multiple green residences utilizing passive solar design, solar electric, solar water heating and extensive use of green materials.
Tour Fee: $15 Adults / $10 Student
How to Take this Tour: Details coming soon - please check back later.